DOLLYSIMMO ♣cureilona's blog about porcelain ball jointed doll making♣

Friday, 16 December 2011

LIGHTPAINTED DOLL has been featured in the DOLLUMS magazine!

Dollums magazine

I am so happy and proud to share this news with you- Lightpainted Doll has been featured in DOLLUMS magazine and on their website!
You can view and purchase the magazine on Amazon:
Come and join the Dollums website- it’s a great meeting place for doll enthusiasts!
Perhaps see you there? :)
x x x

Dollums magazine
Dollums magazine

Dollums magazine
Dollums magazine

Handmade Porcelain Ball Jointed Dolls, OOAK, one of a kind, porcelain BJD, BJD, ball jointed doll, making, handmade, poupée, poupées, poupées articulées, customisez vos poupées, customisez, création d’auteur, poupée d’auteur, miniature, Куклы, БЖД, фарфор, кукла, фарфоровые куклы купить, Авторская Кукла, Шарнирная кукла, ШаРниРнЫе КуКлЫ, Куклы коллекционные, Puppe, Kugelgelenk-Puppe, Kugelgelenk, Bastel Anleitung für Kugelgelenk-Puppen, Künstlerpuppe, gothic, Fee, Winzig, Künstler Doll, Miniatur, Porzellan, video tutorial, tutorial

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting about this:) I just found it thru you...
